XJTLU External Mentor Project Charter

第一章 总则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 西交利物浦大学(以下简称“西浦”)校外导师项目由席酉民校长倡导发起,旨在提升在校学生综合素质和职业竞争能力,是西浦独特育人模式的战略组成部分。
Article 1 The External Mentor Project of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (hereinafter referred to as “XJTLU”), launched at the initiative of President Youmin Xi, is intended to enhance the overall competence and professional competitiveness of students, and constitutes a strategic part of XJTLU’s featured talent education model.
第二条 西浦校外导师团队由一群具备“爱心、智慧、能力与责任”的社会精英组成,其中每个人都是一部精彩的奋斗史。校外导师项目志在为西浦在校学生打开一扇通往社会的智慧和机会之窗,激发学生人生斗志、汲取成功经验、学会应对挑战,逐步实现“从漫无目标到兴趣导向到人生规划”的成功转变,以及逐步实现“从孩子到年轻的成年人到世界公民”的成功转变。
Article 2 XJTLU External Mentor Group comprises a group of social elites who are “caring, smart, capable and responsible”. The EM Project aims to provide XJTLU students with a window of opportunities and wisdom to society, inspiring them to draw on proven experience and learn to deal with challenges, and assist students to transfer from being aimless to interest driven to life planning, and from kids to young adults to global citizens.
第三条 西浦导师团以“结对辅导+集中辅导+导师讲堂+走进导师单位”等模式,致力于帮助学生:
Article 3 By means of “one-on-one mentoring + group coaching + mentor’s lecture + mentor’s company visiting”, the Mentor Team will help students to:
      1.Discover career plans with clear goals and directions which can support students to “select their tastes, unleash their strengths and contribute to society”.
      2.Promote the integration of theoretical studies and practical needs, and foster pragmatic learning attitude and skills.
      3.Learn to face down adversity and challenges, and improve their professional personality through practice.
第二章 校外导师委员会
Chapter II External Mentor Committee
第四条 校外导师项目是西浦育人的重要支撑,是西浦的无形资产;校外导师委员会是校外导师项目发展的战略咨询机构,主要负责制定校外导师项目发展战略、决定校外导师项目重大事项。项目秘书处隶属于西交利物浦大学就业发展办公室,在大学的管理和校外导师委员会的支持下,项目秘书处处理校外导师项目日常事务,并保障项目正常运作并。委员会结构如下:
Article 4 The EM Project is a major approach to talent cultivation and a core intangible asset of XJTLU. XJTLU External Mentor Committee is the strategy consultation organization of the XJTLU External Mentor Project, mainly responsible for making Project Development Strategy、approving the major issue of the External Mentor Project. The Secretariat is subordinate to the XJTLU Career Development Office. Under the management of university and the support of External Mentor Committee, the Secretariat is in charge of daily affairs of the Project and ensure the operation of the Project. The framework of the committee is as follows:
      1. 委员会成员:
      1. Committee Member:
            1)One President and two Vice-presidents: Work as the convener of External Mentor Committee, maintain close liaison with the University and the committee members; Perform his/her duties under the specific management of XJTLU; Support Secretariat and XJTLU Career Development Office in planning and implementation of mentor recruitment, mentor training, mentor activities and other related work; Support for operating the Committee, including the development, relief and management of the committee members.
            2)The Several Committee Members: Support president with related work and support the Career Development Office in planning and implementation of mentor recruitment, mentor training simultaneously.
            3)秘书处(设秘书长一名, 项目执行若干)为校外导师项目日常运营提供服务支持,并行使以下职责:
            3)The Secretariat (with one secretary general and several project executors) support the daily operation of the Project and exercise the following responsibilities:
                  ·Handling mentor applications as well as recruitment and exit formalities.
                  ·Making external mentor newsletter and managing the system.
                  ·Promoting the external mentor project and activities concerned.
                  ·Preparing for and calling regular meetings of the External Mentor Committee, notifying mentors to be present and taking minutes of such meetings; regularly reporting to XJTLU SMT the conditions of the Committee and the Project.
                  ·Other services.
      2. 选拔机制:
      2. Selection Mechanism:
            1)The President and the Committee Member will be selected by XJTLU Career Development Office from the secretariat’s list of external mentors applying for the said positions or nominated by the Career Development Office;
            2)The Director of XJTLU Student Admission and Career Development Office will concurrently hold the position of Secretary General. The coordinator who is in charge of the project in Career Development Office will hold the position of Project Executor.
      3. 任期及退出机制:
      3. Terms and Quit Mechanism:
            1)The terms of President and Committee Members are three years.
            2)New term of the External Mentor Committee will be launched 6 months beforehand.
            3)Current President and Committee Members could apply the position continuously.
            4)Those who intend to serve consecutive terms should forwardto the Secretariat, which will in turn forward the same application to Career Development Office for approval.
            5)Those who intend to quit during their terms must forward to the Secretariat one month beforehand for application.
            6)Committee numbers with Secretary General should be an odd number.
      4. 例会机制:
      4.Mechanism for the Committee Meetings:
            1)In principle, the External Mentor Committee should convene a regular meeting each semester. It may convene an interim meeting based on actual conditions.
            2)The Committee Meeting will be deemed valid if no less than half of its total members are present.
            3)A resolution backed by no less than half of the voters will be deemed valid.
            4)The Committee will discuss the membership of those who fail to perform their duties concerned in a semester.
      5. 职责:
      5. Responsibilities:
            1)Assisting XJTLU in developing and implementing of, the short-, medium- and long-term plans for the Project.
            2)Offering support on the external mentor training plan.
            3)Offering support on the plan for mentor activities for the growth of students.
            4)Offering support and implementing the plan for peer interactions.
            5)Assisting XJTLU in making decisions on the Project.
            6)Offering opinions and suggestions to Career Development Office on any amendment to the Charter.
第三章 导师发展与退出
Chapter Ⅲ Mentor Affairs
第五条 西浦导师团采取自愿申请、校方聘任的形式,通过“校方邀请、导师推荐或个人自荐”等途径,积极吸纳社会各界精英加盟:
Article 5 Elites from various sectors may be included into the mentor group through, among others, XJTLU’s invitation, mentor recommendation, and self-application. The recruitment procedure is as follows:
      1. 申请人登录网站Careers.xjtlu.edu.cn,进行注册并提交信息;
      1. The applicant should visit the web site: Careers.xjtlu.edu.cn to finish registration and then submit.
      2. 由校外导师团队成员推荐的申请人,需校外导师提供推荐信并阐述推荐理由;为了提升校外导师团队质量,筛选和推荐校外导师时,推荐人须确保申请人有可履职的时间和能力;
      2. The member of the external mentor group should provide the recommendation letter of the reason if he/she recommend the applicants. The referrer should confirm that the applicants have the time and ability to be an external mentor.
      3. 秘书处按照第六条导师发展标准进行初步筛选,将符合条件名单报就业发展办公室核准备案;
      3. The Secretariat will conduct preliminary selection in accordance with the mentor criteria provided in Article 6, and submit the list of eligible candidates to Career Development Office for approval and filing.
      4. 参加校方组织的“西浦校外导师支持工作坊”。原则上,经过初选并参加工作坊,且校方与导师本人双向选择后,方可正式任职为西浦校外导师;
      4. The new external mentor should take part in the “XJTLU External Mentor Support Workshop”. Usually, after the first round of the screening, only the mentors who attend compulsory workshop can be appointed as XJTLU External Mentors.
      5. 秘书处以邮件方式通知申请人并抄送给推荐人;
      5. The Secretariat will notify the candidates and make a copy for recommender through mail.
      6. 校方颁发《校外导师聘书》及校外导师卡;校外导师任职期限为4年,校外导师卡的使用权限为4年。
      6. XJTLU will issue and External Mentor Card; The term of the appointment and the card are 4 years.
第六条 校外导师发展以“保证质量、稳步推进”为原则,以支持全体西浦学生的职业发展、能力突破和人格完善为核心目标,就业发展办公室致力于选拔综合素质高、热心公益事业、乐于帮助学生,具有丰富社会阅历的的优秀人士加入校外导师团队。申请人需具有以下工作经验及岗位要求:本科毕业需具有15年及以上工作经验;硕士毕业需具有12年及以上工作经验;博士及博士后毕业需具有10年及以上工作经验。所有申请人均需达到高级管理岗位。校友是学校珍贵的资源,并对西浦及在校学生有深刻的理解。西浦校友申请成为校外导师者,需具有5年及以上工作经验;特别优秀的申请者条件可适当放宽。
Article 6 The Mentor Group will grow organically to support the overarching goal of career development, capacity building and personality improvement of all students. XJTLU Career Development Office is looking for high-profile outsiders who are outstanding in overall competence, dedicated to teaching and eager to help students, with rich social experience. The applicants should have the following requirements: bachelor degree with 15 years working experiences, master degree with 12 years working experience, doctor & post doctor degree with 10 years working experiences. All the applicants should have senior position in their field. The alumni are valuable resources for university and have a deep understanding of XJTLU and its students. The application for a XJTLU alumni to be an external mentor requires at least 5 years of working experience. The criteria could be relaxed in case of exceptional candidates.
第七条 导师在任期内享有以下权利:
Article 7 During their terms, the mentors have the right to:
      1. 参加校外导师相关活动,及时获得相关活动通知及资讯;
      1. Participate in various activities and stay informed of such activities.
      2. 获赠“校外导师卡”,可免费享受西浦图书馆的阅读资源;可有偿使用西浦体育馆资源;
      2. Receive the External Mentor Card, with which they can access XJTLU’s library resources for free and the gym for fee
      3. 参加就业发展办公室为导师安排的年度相关活动;
      3. Participate in annual activities organized by Career Development Office.
      4. 对校外导师项目发展、校外导师团建设、西浦育人模式提出意见和建议;
      4. Offer opinions and suggestions on Project development, mentor team building, and XJTLU’s talent cultivation model.
      5. 对导师委员会成员行使选举和表决权,享有被选举权。
      5. Elect and be elected as members of External Mentor Committee.
第八条 导师在任期内承担以下义务:
Article 8 During their terms, the mentors are obliged to:
      1. 遵守本章程,维护大学、学生和校外导师项目的合法权益和声誉;
      1. Observe the charter, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests and reputation of XJTLU, its students and the Project.
      2. 尽己所能辅导学生,促进学生在心智与能力层面健康发展;
      2. Do their best to coach the students and maintain their mental health and capacity building.
      3. 积极探索辅导方式方法,乐于向其他导师分享心得体会;
      3. Probe into the methods of coaching, and be willing to share their experiences and findings with other mentors.
      4. 关心西浦校外导师项目建设,积极参加就业发展办公室组织的相关活动。
      4. Care about the Project, and take an active in various activities organized by Career Development Office.
第九条 校外导师对所辅导的学生具有“言传身教”的影响力,在辅导过程中应遵守以下行为准则:
Article 9 In view of their influence on the students, the external mentors should observe the following codes of conduct:
      1. 遵纪守法,在辅导过程中不与学生讨论政府严禁的政治话题;
      1. Avoid discussing political topics forbidden by the government in the course of training.
      2. 维护校外导师项目公益性,不接受学生以任何形式提供的物质馈赠;
      2. Maintain the nonprofit nature of the External Mentor Project and avoid accepting any form of gifts from students.
      3. 关爱学生心理健康,不邀请或接受在校学生参与导师的商业应酬或娱乐活动;
      3. Care students’ mental health, avoid inviting or admitting students to business parties or entertainment venues.
      4. 坚守导师道德规范,不以任何形式与学生发展私密情感关系;
      4. Stick to the professional ethic, avoid having intimacy with students.
      5. 校外导师应维护项目的公益性和纯粹性,不得对辅导的学生进行商业宣传;
      5. Keep the nonprofit nature and purity of the project. The business promotions are forbidden to the students who are coached by the mentors.
      6. 校外导师辅导学生的过程中,学生对校外导师行为如有投诉,可登录西交利物浦大学就业官网:Careers.xjtlu.edu.cn进行反馈。秘书处在收到反馈后将及时跟进并处理,如学生投诉内容属实,就业发展办公室将取消校外导师的任职资格。
      6. If there is any complaint about external mentors’ performance, the students can log on Careers.xjtlu.edu.cn to fill the feedback form. The Secretariat will follow up and deal with the complaints in time. The Career Development Office will cancel the qualification of the external mentor if the complaint is valid.
第十条 校外导师的激活和退出机制:
Article 10 Renewal and Exit Mechanisms for External Mentors:
校外导师通过就业中心官网参加就业发展办公室每学期举行的“校外导师师生在线互选”活动,即被视为激活。如连续四年未参加此活动,将被视为自动退出校外导师项目。 另外符合以下情况之一者,就业发展办公室可终止校外导师的聘任:
External mentors are regarded as activated state when they take apart in the “External Mentor- Students Online Mutual Selection” on the Careers Centre official website every semester which is held by the Career Development Office. They are regarded as exit status if they do not participate in the activity for continuous 2 years. Moreover, Career Development Office may terminate the service of an external mentor if he/she:
      1. 导师主动申请退出;
      1. The external mentor exits voluntarily.
      2. 导师未能遵守本章程中规定的“校外导师行为准测”;
      2. The external mentor fails to observe the “Code of Conduct for External Mentors” in this charter.
      3. 导师未能践行相关义务;
      3. The external mentor fails to perform relevant obligations.
      4. 导师退出后,由秘书处以书面邮件通知退出导师,并要求归还校外导师卡,同时冻结其在系统中的相关资料;
      4. Terminated mentors will be notified by the Secretariat through an official e-mail, and required to return the External Mentor Card. The information of those mentors will be frozen in the system.
      5. 根据校外导师当前状态,就业发展办公室每四年为校外导师更新《校外导师聘书》。
      5. According to the current status of the external mentor, the Career Development Office updates the every four years.
第十一条 校外导师的考核机制:
Article 11 External Mentor Assessment Mechanism:
In order to ensure the External Mentor Project to support the development of students deeply, and in order to ensure the quality of external mentor group, by the following ways to evaluate external mentor:
      1. 评估维度一:导师参与度;
      1. Assessment Dimension One: Mentor Involvement.
            1)The external mentors who participated in the activities of “XJTLU External Mentor and Students Mutual Selection” for five consecutive years will be awarded the title of “Senior External Mentor of XJTLU”.
            2)Actively participate in external mentor related activities which are organized by the Career Development Office (such as the XJTLU External Mentor Support Workshops, Reading Salon, External Mentor Company Visit, delivering the article to the External Mentor Newsletter, etc.), and provide support to students’ development (such as providing opportunities to visit company and interacting with students in campus, providing practice and employment opportunities etc.) The Career Development Office will award specific of honorary titles according to particular case.
            3)The external mentors are encouraged to recommend at least one applicant to join the group every year. The Secretariat reports every month and award the honorary title to the external mentors according to the number and quality of the applicants.
            4)For the less active external mentor, the Career Development Office organizes relevant external mentor activities to support them.
      2. 评估维度二:学生反馈;
      2. Assessment Dimension Two: Student Feedback.
            1)A questionnaire survey was conducted to students who participated in the academic year, so as to understand the interaction between external mentor and students. Feedback results will be for analysis and follow-up.
            2)External mentor, who has been complained by students or social people, has caused bad social influence, will be cancelled qualification of external mentor by Career Development Office.
第十二条 校外导师项目组织:
Article 12 Structure of External Mentor Project:
The external mentor group is carry out the activities by three dimensions: industry, interest and location.
      1. 依据西浦六个专业大类,将校外导师团队划分成:生化环科分会;工业分会;商业管理分会;城建分会;人文社科分会;
      1. External mentors are categorized into five industry groups: Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Science Sub-group; Industrial Sub-group; Business Management Sub-group; Social Science Sub-group; Urban Planning and Design Sub-group based on the six major cluster of XJTLU.
      2. 依据兴趣爱好,将校外导师团队划分为:生活兴趣组;艺术兴趣组;创业兴趣组;金融兴趣组;体育兴趣组,阅读兴趣组;
      2. External mentors are categorized into six hobby groups: Life Activities, Arts, Entrepreneurship, Economics and Finance, Sports and Book Reading based on the different interest.
      3. 依据导师所在地划分:江苏省内按城市开展活动;江苏省外按省份开展活动;
      3. External mentors are categorized by location: the activities are carried out in different cities in JiangSu province and in different provinces out of JiangSu province.
      4. 校外导师相关活动可根据实际需要设立分会长;分会长可自荐或他荐,最终由就业发展办公室指定。
      4. The related activities could set up sub-group coordinator according to the actual requirement. The coordinator could commend or recommend, whom will be appointed by Career Development Office.
第四章 导师活动
Chapter Ⅳ Mentor Activities
第十三条 该项目以支持全体西浦学生的职业发展、能力突破和人格完善为核心目标,充分利用校方、社会及导师资源,积极举办导师活动,为西浦大学生的职业发展提供支持,并持续提升项目质量与品牌影响力。
Article 13 Focused on the overarching goal of career development, capacity building and personality improvement of all students, the Project will organize activities of external mentors by unleashing the resources of XJTLU, mentors and various sectors, provide support for career development of XJTLU students, and constantly enhance the quality and influence of the Project.
第十四条 校外导师活动按性质可分为以下三类:
Article 14 The activities of external mentors can be divided into two types by nature:
      1. 旨在促进学生成长的活动,包括:
      1. Activities for the growth of students, including:
            1)External Mentor-Student Meeting Student& Career Embarking Ceremony.
            2)Daily communications between mentors and students.
            3)External Mentor Company Visit.
            4)External Mentor Salon.
            5)Coaching by group: The students could get more diversified support by linking external mentors from different industries and fields.
      2. 旨在促进导师之间的互动交流活动,包括:
      2. Activities for peer interactions, including:
            1)Mentors’ Company Visit.
            2)Exchange of Mentors on Industrial Dynamics and Hobbies.
            3)External Mentor Entrepreneur Salon: The salons are held regularly by inviting elites who come from different industries; The business actions are not allowed; The guests status are not limited to external mentors; The activities should be carried out under the supervision of the External Mentor Committee.
      3. 旨在支持校外导师辅导学生的活动,包括:
      3. Activities aimed at supporting external mentor coaching, including:
            3)New External Mentor Support Workshop: Organized by the Career Development Office and participated by members of the External Mentor Committee. Through the workshop, qualified external mentor candidates should fully understand the university education concept, student characteristics, external mentor work content, and the development of the External Mentor Project. After the mutual selection of the university and the candidates, the candidate is confirmed to be an external mentor.
            4)External Mentor Communication Salon: Organized by the Career Development Office, experienced external mentor will be invited to share how they support their students.
第十五条 经费来源及管理:
Article 15 Fund sources and management:
      1. 校方专项拨款,用于支持校外导师项目实施的定期活动;个人或机构赞助和捐赠,用于促进导师之间的互动交流及相关公益活动;
      1. Special fund from XJTLU are earmarked for regular activities of the Project, and grants from entities or individuals for peer interactions and public welfare campaigns concerned.
      2. 校外导师兴趣小组活动费用由导师们自筹自用;校方提供力所能及的便利以协助各导师兴趣小组长开展活动。
      2. The fund for hobby groups’ activities will be raised and used by mentors. XJTLU will do its best to facilitate such activities.
第五章 附则
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
第十六条 本章程将在校外导师项目发展运作过程中不断修正完善。
Article 16 The Charter may be amended from time to time in the course of Project development.
第十七条 本章程生效日期为2022年7月29日。
Article 17 The Charter takes effect on July, 29th, 2022.
第十八条 本章程最终解释权归西交利物浦大学就业发展办公室。
Article 18 XJTLU Career Development Office reserves its right to final interpretation of the Charter.

Appendix 1: <XJTLU External Mentor Committee Member Application Form>
Appendix 2: <XJTLU External Mentor Committee Member Resignation Application Form>
Appendix 3: <XJTLU External Mentor Recommendation Form>